发表作品 & UMary新闻


的 买球APP出版社 seeks to publish significant, 有关, 以及创新的头衔,突出了大学的核心使命:为宗教服务, 学术, and cultural needs of the people in this region and beyond. Our titles align with the university’s Benedictine values of community, 热情好客, 适度, 祈祷, 尊重他人, 和服务. 除了, 我们的书经常成为学生作业的一部分,鼓励仆人式领导的理想, 精神上的发展, 和天主教教育.

Our books are available for purchase through the University of Mary 书店 或在 亚马逊.


From Christendom to Apostolic 任务: Pastoral Strategies for an Apostolic Age


Every human society possesses a moral and spiritual imaginative vision, 一组假设, and ways of looking at things according to which life proceeds. 这篇文章试图提供有效的策略,使我们的时代和文化再次与耶稣基督的福音联系起来,并为一个疲惫的世界唤醒天主教富有想象力的视野.




Sequel to From Christendom to Apostolic 任务
我们生活在一个高度宗教化的时代. Secular gospels and dogmatic faiths promising salvation are all around us. 那么信仰体系是什么呢, 宗教视野, that is displacing Christianity as the assumed narrative by which our post-Christian, 现代社会? And what is the religion that we ourselves need to be converted out of, if we are to be fully converted to the Christian faith?


的 Vocation of the 天主教 University Professor

Cover of “的 Vocation of the 天主教 University Professor”

一所天主教大学应该邀请学生进入一个深刻的思想转变的社区. 它的气氛充满了圣奥古斯丁(Saint Augustine)在真理中的喜悦(gaudium de veritate). 只是有, in a classroom or laboratory at the end of the hallway, is to be found the “stupor” or astonishment of mind of Dante’s Convivio. 的re are many ways for this conversion to happen, but it simply will not happen without the teaching faculty. 他们是生命之源.



Front cover of Christendom to Apostolic 任务 in Spanish

Toda sociedad humana posee una vision imaginativa moral y espirutal, 联合国通过各种形式提出的建议,包括:《买球APP》、《买球APP》、《买球APP》、《买球APP》和《买球APP》. Este ensayo es el resultado de unesfuerzo穷人贡献了有效的战略和折衷方案,并提供了一种新的文化,即新时代的文化,即耶稣福音的文化- enun mundo abatido -绝望的愿景,即富有想象力的天主教.



托马斯·韦尔德修女's Book Dignity of Grace

Larry Woiwode recounts the remarkable life of 托马斯·韦尔德修女, 报喜修道院本笃会修女,买球APP第五任校长. 北达科他州的一个高耸的人物, 托马斯修女是第一个黛安娜, 从一开始,她对未来的影响就很明显——她在苦难中的忍耐能力, 她的爱和关注的安逸, her trademark magnanimity joined to her humility.


Renewal of 天主教 Higher Education: Essays on 天主教 Studies in Honor of Don J. Briel

《天主教高等教育的复兴:天主教研究论文集》封面. Briel

这本书始于2014年在买球APP举行的天主教研究二十年会议. 天主教 Studies professors, alumni, and scholars gathered to celebrate Dr. 布里尔对全国天主教研究项目的巨大贡献,并反思如何更广泛地影响天主教高等教育.




任何蓬勃发展的企业的核心都是那些相信想象力力量的创新者永不停歇的活力, 看不见的呼唤, and the enduring value of principled self-sacrifice. In 激情的遗产:谢尔一家的故事, 拉里·伍德揭开了这一驱动器的面纱, 的决心, 和戏剧性的个性造就了全国顶级体育用品零售商之一:SCHEELS, a five-generation family business that boasts over two dozen franchises in 15 states. Outlining the distinct imprint of each generation’s vision, Woiwode记录了推动SCHEELS通过排名的关键事件,并描绘了一个丰富的家庭肖像,他们的大胆决心为公司的持久成功做好准备.


Open Secrets of Success: 的 Gary Tharaldson Story

Cover of Open Secrets of Success: 的 Gary Tharaldson Story

“This is a phenomenal story of Gary Tharaldson’s incredible accomplishment. 从零开始, 他自己建了400多家酒店, no partners—more than any single individual worldwide. What an inspiration to young people across the country!——鲁迪·鲁蒂格, motivational speaker and subject of the 1993 film “Rudy,” ranked among the top inspirational movies by the American Film Institute. “Gary is so down-to-earth, he’s actually subterranean. 我是幸运者之一,因为加里与我们分享了一切:他的建筑成本和运营数据, 哪些是行业中的佼佼者, 以及他是如何创造它们的.” — Bruce White, Chairman, Founder and CEO of White Lodging.



Cover of 弗兰克的额外一英里:一个绅士的故事

Frank’s Extra Mile tells the story of Frank Larson, 一个高尚的, 脚踏实地的北达科他州, 谁的客户, 竞争对手, 工作人员, 朋友, 并被家人形容为真正的绅士. 和他的妻子Jo Andrea, Frank bought the Larson family’s first bank 50 years ago on January 1, 1969, 在农业社区奥克斯, ND. Today, Starion has 12 locations in North Dakota and three in Wisconsin. Starion是一家业绩优异的金融机构,在过去的5年里,资产增长率达到了22%,并获得了Baurer financial的五星评级.


And You Will Find Rest: What God Does in Prayer

Cover of “And You Will Find Rest: What God Does in Prayer” by Father Wayne Sattler.

漆黑的夜晚, St。. 约翰的十字架,和 内部城堡, St。. 阿维拉的特蕾莎, 是韦恩·萨特勒神父用来探索通往沉思的祈祷之路的指南吗. 在他自己的道路上, which eventually led to discerning a call to live as a diocesan hermit, 萨特勒神父开始更加深刻地欣赏这两位圣人的正确指导,让他们理解“上帝在祈祷中做了什么”.



Learning to Lead


Learning to Lead 讲述了大学从一个小型女子学院到一个蓬勃发展的学习者社区的旅程. 期的评论, 照片, 第一手帐户, 还有校友的回忆, 管理员, 和朋友们讲述了美国领导力大学从创立之初开始发展的迷人故事. 修士对学习的热爱和对上帝的渴望以及其先驱创始人的榜样是如何在买球APP的基督教中表达出来的, 天主教, 本笃会的身份和她通过服务领导的独特承诺是对过去的致敬和对未来的承诺.


Invitation to Encounter: Occursus Domini Eucharistic Chapel

Jacob Well封面

Invitation to Encounter guides visitors through Occursus Domini Chapel, 将人们的注意力吸引到建筑和艺术品的细节上,旨在促进与上帝的亲密接触. It also includes a personal retreat given by Monsignor James Shea based on five specific encounters depicted in the space: the Annunciation; the Presentation; Jesus and the woman at the well; Jesus and the Magdalen on Easter morning; and Benedict and Scholastica in the storm.



Cover of “基督,神的智慧——玛利亚大学教职员退修会” by  Dr. 克里斯托弗·布卢姆

教师受到最伟大的老师的启发是最好的指导. 基督在地上的事工体现了智慧,可以提高任何教员的教学质量, particularly those teaching at parochial schools at all levels. Learn Christ’s lessons in teaching with joy, humility, integrity, and fortitude. Christ, the Wisdom of God, is impeccably researched with scripture as a foundation. 的 text was developed from a series of talks by Dr. 克里斯托弗·布卢姆 on retreat with the faculty at the University of Mary in Bismarck, ND.




In 2017, the National Evangelical-天主教 Dialogue in the United States, sponsored by the United States Conference of 天主教 Bishops and the University of Mary, completed its four-year round of discussions on the doctrine of justification. 在每一次年度会议上, 成员们提出了背景文件,这些文件构成了会议讨论的基础,并成为编写共同声明的起点. 的se common statements and background papers comprise this book. 很意外, 对话的成员在称义问题上发现了许多共同点.



Cover of “《北达科他州大战之声” play produced by 丹尼尔Bielinski & Dr. 约瑟夫•斯图尔特.

这出戏是买球APP历史系和戏剧系合作演出的. 历史系学生在北达科他州档案馆研究了第一次世界大战的剪贴簿. 以这些信件为基础, 我们创作了一部原创的戏剧作品, 加入一战时期的音乐和诗歌,并根据真实信件即兴创作场景. We believe they created a show with a very personal meaning for North Dakota. 丹尼尔Bielinski & Dr. 约瑟夫•斯图尔特.



Cover of My Russian Way: a spiritual autobiography

亚历山大·哈佛, 有俄国血统的法国人, 记录他的道德, 知识, and 精神上的发展 growing up in post-1968 France. He rejects the radical secular values of his contemporaries and embraces Christianity. 同时, 哈佛追溯他的根到俄罗斯,并跟随苏联最后几年的文化和政治发展. 他祈祷有一天他能够为他心爱的祖籍的精神复兴做出贡献. In the end, his 祈祷 is granted in dramatic ways.


Valerian Paczek: Priest, Soldier, Quiet Hero

Cover of Valerian Paczek: Priest, Soldier, Quiet Hero

Fr. Valerian Paczek’s tombstone is simple, without any words of praise. 他在《利德伍德箴言报》上的讣告只简短地提到了他的从军经历. “He served in the Polish Army from 1935 to 1945, and in the English Army from 1945 to 1950 as a Senior Chaplain.” That’s all there is in print: no mention of prisoner camps, battles, rank or medals. 然而,这正是他所希望的. With hindsight, we can say it summarizes his life: A priest, a soldier, and a quiet hero.
